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直擊歐陸 | 埃夫特即將亮相意大利國際工業展覽會 MecSpe 2024
2024-03-05 閱讀:3505次

2024年3月6日,第二十二屆意大利國際工業展覽會MecSpe 2024(以下簡稱:MecSpe 2024)將在意大利博洛尼亞盛大開幕。作為歐洲制造業的風向標,MecSpe 2024將吸引來自全球制造業重量級人物和行業精英,共敘全球制造行業發展、洞察制造業行業市場未來。

On March 6, 2024, MecSpe 2024 will grandly open in Bologna, Italy. As a benchmark for the European manufacturing industry, MecSpe 2024 attracts heavyweight honored guests and industrial elites all around the world to discuss the development of the global manufacturing industry and gain insights into the future of the manufacturing market.


隨著科技不斷進步,全球制造業正在經歷百年未有之大變局。MecSpe 2024將聚焦制造業轉型升級和高質量發展,為參會企業提供前瞻視角和解決方案。參會企業將有機會親身感受創新和可持續發展對企業未來發展的深遠影響,這些變革不僅僅是技術升級,更是企業經營理念的重構,是制造業從傳統生產模式向數字化、智能化方向的戰略轉型。MecSpe 2024將成為這場變革的見證者,記錄如何在激烈的市場競爭中打造新的增長曲線。

With the continuous development and progress of technology, the global manufacturing industry is experiencing unprecedented revolutions in a century. MecSpe 2024 will focus on the transformation, upgrading, and high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, providing forward-looking perspectives and solutions for participating enterprises. Participating enterprises will have the opportunity to personally experience the profound impact of innovation and sustainable development on future development. These revolutions are not only technological upgrades, but also the reconstruction of business culture, and the strategic transformation of the manufacturing industry from traditional production models to digital and intelligent directions. MecSpe 2024 will become a witness to this transformation, documenting how to create new growth curves in hot market competition.



2023年3月,埃夫特曾攜手歐洲戰略合作伙伴亮相法國國際工業展GLOBAL INDUSTRIE 2023以及意大利國際工業展覽會 MecSpe 2023,進一步打響了埃夫特機器人品牌在歐洲的知名度,更好建設了服務歐洲的戰略合作伙伴銷售網絡,并在歐洲落地了更多細分行業的示范應用和推廣應用,進一步提升了埃夫特機器人品牌在歐洲的美譽度和可見度。

In March 2023, EFORT teamed up with European strategic partners to strike a pose on the stage of GLOBAL INDUSTRIE 2023 in Lyon France and MecSpe 2023 in Bologna Italy, further enhancing EFORT's brand awareness in Europe, building a better sales network for strategic partners to serve the European market, also implemented references demonstration and applications promotion in more segmented industries in Europe, which further enhancing the reputation and popularity of EFORT robot brand in Europe.

在本次MecSpe 2024展會上,埃夫特將攜手2家歐洲子公司CMA Robotics、EFORT Systems以及4家戰略合作伙伴向用戶展示以噴涂和弧焊兩大戰略應用為代表的多個細分應用領域的解決方案,體現埃夫特在歐洲市場的差異化戰略。噴涂機器人、焊接機器人都是埃夫特的拳頭產品和長板產品,通過自主研發的VR噴涂解決方案、智能焊接解決方案等智能化技術,讓噴涂機器人、焊接機器人長板更長,友好易用、經濟高效地解決噴涂機器人、焊接機器人使用難的問題,致力于讓歐洲“廠廠都有機器人、人人會用機器人”,讓歐洲工廠沒有難用的機器人。

In MecSpe 2024, EFORT, together with two European subsidiaries CMA Robotics and EFORT Systems as well as four strategic partners, will present to end users a diverse range of solutions in multiple applications, represented by two strategic applications such as painting and arc welding, reflecting the differentiated strategy for Efort in European market. Both painting robot and welding robot are EFORT's flagship products. With intelligent technologies including VR self-teaching solutions and smart welding solutions, painting robot and welding robot have more advantages such as user-friendly, cost-effective and easy to use. We are committed to make robots available in every factory in Europe, make everyone knows how to use robots, and let European factories have easy-to-use robots.



EFORT painting robot and welding robot have passed the European CE certification, and painting robot has passed ATEX in Europe and PCEC in China, meeting the strict safety and application requirements for industrial robots in European market . EFORT's subsidiaries in European countries such as Italy, France, Germany and Poland, as well as strategic partner sales network in European market, are committed to better empowering and serving final customers in the European market.






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